Monday 16 April 2012

Where the Wild Roses Grow

I'm making roses at the moment and I'm loving it. There's something about interpreting the beauty of nature using Sugarcraft that I really enjoy. So I'm pretty pleased to be working on a cake for very dear friends who thought of me when they required something extra special. 


 In the evenings, as the sun sets you can find me busily hand crafting lots of tiny shiny rose buds for this cake. Each one is moulded from modelling paste and dusted with some sparkle. 
As you can see, a lot of thought goes into each individual flower.

When the buds are ready it'll be on to half roses, then full roses, all with a delicate pearl sheen. I'll keep posting as the cake develops. You'll see it go from start to finish.


p.s. Anyone else notice how both football teams I blogged about at the weekend won their matches? If only there was a way for me to connect and nurture this link between cakes and football predictions, I could do amazing things! Muahahah!


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